Are you ready for Cash Flow Expo 2020? It's an exciting time of year here at as we get ready to host our virtual convention again this year. After the tremendous success in 2019 there was no doubt in everyone’s mind that it would be back in 2020. The Expo, an online convention that focuses on Real Estate, Private Mortgage Notes, Note Investing, Private … [Read more...] about Your Invite To Cash Flow Expo 2020
Note Buying Blog and Articles
Your Big Domino of the Note Business
Cash Flow Expo is only one week away but before we get into any of that we have to ask you a really odd question... ...Do you remember as a kid spending hours carefully stacking dominos one after another in a row until at some point you knock over the first one and watch them all fall down? I would spend hours setting it up. Later, as it got more … [Read more...] about Your Big Domino of the Note Business
Think Only The Wealthy Can Purchase Notes? Think Again.
When I first learned about purchasing notes it was a wild several weeks. I learned how to use a financial calculator, which in itself would forever change the way I looked at money. It was an easy decision to decide which side of the cash register I wanted to be on. Secondly, I learned about ‘flipping’ notes on to private investors and funders – people with money to purchase … [Read more...] about Think Only The Wealthy Can Purchase Notes? Think Again.
Best of NoteExpo 2019 and 2020 Dates
It was great seeing everyone at NoteExpo 2019 out in Addison TX this year! We were honored to speak and exhibit at this fantastic note investing industry convention. We had a chance to interview a few vendors that should be on your radar. Watch the video below and be sure to check out the list of companies in attendance. If you missed this year's note event there are … [Read more...] about Best of NoteExpo 2019 and 2020 Dates
2018 Seller Financing Data and Stats
In 2018 the number of new seller financed notes created increased by 2% while the dollar volume of residential notes was up nearly 20% over 2017. Overall there were 91,605 first position owner financed notes, totaling $25.9 billion. The average Loan-to-Value for newly created residential notes was 81% LTV, with commercial at 75% LTV, and land at 74% LTV. "We have seen a … [Read more...] about 2018 Seller Financing Data and Stats
Purchasing Small Notes Can Equal Big Profits
They say that good things come in small packages. When it comes to investing in real estate notes, this can be very true for several reasons. For starters, this is one of the only investment opportunities I know where you can get in at a low cost of entry. For example, you can purchase a small note or even part of a note. I am not a franchise expert, but I am pretty … [Read more...] about Purchasing Small Notes Can Equal Big Profits
Risk vs Reward: What is Your Note Investing Hot Button?
By now you have read an article or two (or ten) about the benefits of purchasing or brokering private notes. There is no debate that owning a cash flow can mean fewer headaches than actual real estate. But the advantages of becoming proficient in the note industry go well beyond just purchasing a note and getting a solid return. Here is just one of the really great features … [Read more...] about Risk vs Reward: What is Your Note Investing Hot Button?
Note Marketing During the Holidays?
We often get asked, "when are the ‘hot times’ to market for seller financed notes?" I think people are often looking for a precise answer like “Oh, February 7th is the best day of the year!” Of course marketing is never really that precise… …but there are DOWN times that you will want to pay attention to while deciding how and when you are marketing. Why? Well, … [Read more...] about Note Marketing During the Holidays?
5 Reasons I’m Going To Note Expo Nov 2-3, 2018
Let’s Meet in Dallas, Texas! I just accepted an invitation to attend the upcoming Note Expo 2018 Convention and hope you’ll join me in taking part of this event dedicated to real estate note investing. Click Here To Register For Note Expo! I don’t accept many offers to attend or speak at live events anymore because frankly there are very few high quality industry … [Read more...] about 5 Reasons I’m Going To Note Expo Nov 2-3, 2018
Jay Conner Post COVID Real Estate Investing Free Seminars
Jay Conner did a series of FREE seminars on Post COVID real estate investing sponsored by Quest Trust Company. We sat down with Jay for a quick 10-minute interview on why he created the sessions and who should be attending (or read the transcript below the video)... Video Interview With Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority Transcript from the video... Fred Rewey: Hello … [Read more...] about Jay Conner Post COVID Real Estate Investing Free Seminars