2013 proved to be a year of “adaptation” and “advancement” for the note business.
The note industry continued to recover and build as note brokers, investors, and professionals tweaked their marketing tactics and campaigns to adjust to the new real estate market and technology savvy sellers.
As 2013 comes to an end, we wish you a Happy New Year and suggest you take a quick look at these posts. Read (or re-read) these as you get ready to plan 2014.
The Top 7 Most Read Note Business Articles in 2013 From Note Investor
Each of them is just as appropriate at the end of 2013 as they were when written. Matter of fact, they will probably be just as important in 2014 as they are now.
How Dodd Frank Mortgage Laws Apply to Seller Financing
Save the date! New Dodd Frank laws for seller financing and mortgage loan originators take effect January 1, 2014. While it’s not a match made in heaven it’s also not the end of the note buying world as we know it.
How To Buy Mortgage Notes
Interested in double-digit returns secured by real estate but without the headaches? Then it’s a good time to discover how to buy mortgage notes!
Owner Financing Statistics For Note Buying
Discover the top ten states that contributed to 65% of the seller financed note volume along with insights for a successful marketing campaign.
Can You Attract Note Holders With Content Marketing?
Is it effective to use list building, emails, and content marketing to find note holders and turn them into sellers? Note brokers will want to read the answers!
Invest in Real Estate Or Mortgage Notes?
Sit around any after-hours event at an industry convention and you will soon find a heated debate about investing in Real Estate vs. Private Mortgage Notes.
Is a Note Brokering Business Right For You?
Let’s separate some hype from the facts and portray a typical “day in the life” of a note broker to help you decide if the note brokering business might be a good fit for you.
10 Mistakes Note Brokers Shouldn’t Make
What does it take to be successful brokering real estate notes? Start by avoiding these 10 Mistakes Note Brokers Shouldn’t Make!
Three years ago, someone from your office notified me that the State Attorney General was going after the Dalbey Educational Institute for fraudulent activities. By that time I had invested about $8000.00. Later I was involved in a case where a local Denver company was contacting Dalbey victims and claiming to be working with the State in recovering funds and was trying to coerse a fee of $695.00 to go towards getting my money back from Dalbey.
That company was stopped by the Court from doing any more soliciting of Dalbey victims, but I have never heard as to whether or not the Dalbey case ever was tried. Does anyone there have a case number and/or any information as to what if anything has happened with the Attorney Generals case against Dalbey Educational Institute?
Appreciate your help in this matter.
Mike Rickenbacker
Washington State
We have a Note for sell performing non performing and seconds
looking for more buyers
we are in the Washington DC area
can we schedule a time to speak
thank you
sid Hameed
240 765 5347
Thank you for your interest in our company. Diversified Investment Services, Inc. specializes in the purchase of first position, performing, seller financed notes with two months seasoning secured by real estate within the State of Florida.
You may want to consider other investors listed in the Directory at https://noteinvestor.com/note-buyers-directory/ or networking with our LinkedIn Group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Note-Investor-Owner-Financing-Network-2079519
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We look forward to working with you.