The year is flying by, isn’t it?
All those priority lists, New Year’s Day resolutions, To-Do Lists, and Post-It note quotes stuck around the house have all but been worn down by the everyday life.
So, how are you doing on your goals? Are you on track or did “life” get in the way?
The good news is that you can re-boot your business any time you want!
This is only the midpoint of the year (Happy July 4th by the way) – and there is still time to pull it off!
So, how do you get back on track to make 2013 a GREAT year for Note Buying?
1. Grab a blank pad of paper.
Write down your goals for the year. If you have a list left over from January 2nd, that is ok to refer to, but I suspect things have changed since then but that investing in Real Estate Notes is still on that list.
The goal of this exercise is to start fresh with where your mindset is now – not where it was after a sleep-deprived night of Champagne and chocolate*.
*Not saying this was you per se, just heard of that sort of thing happening.
It is key that you have no distractions during this list making process. No kids, dogs, or television. No distractions of any kind – it is time to focus on YOU!
2. What was realistic, what wasn’t?
Chances are, you put some pretty ambitious goals on that list. Some of which might even seem a bit overwhelming at the halfway mark in the year.
If you did not get up and running, maybe you were trying to accomplish too much in one shot. In the end, you only need to do ONE THING each day (and most of these “things” are pretty small). Learn to replicate yourself and it becomes even easier.
3. Make Time for Yourself.
Here is the biggest secret that most of us fight with every day.
We don’t make time for ourselves.
I am not talking about a pedicure or grabbing a peach milkshake from Chic-fil-A (which is in season as I write this). No I am talking about investing time in our future.
It is sooooo easy to get caught up in the day-to-day that you never find time to get ahead.
This is true whether you are trying to “work out,” “eat healthy,” or “get ahead financially.”
Block out some time to work on your new plan. Even 30 minutes a day for the rest of the year is 5,400 minutes!
4. Look for shortcuts.
Here is another secret. There are plenty of shortcuts out there. You are not the first person to head down this path…so just follow the people who have.
There are tons of articles on to get you up to speed. Marketing, Negotiation, you name it. Want something more formal? Check out the Finding Cash Flow Notes Training course.
There are even turnkey websites (with content) if you need to bring your business up to date (marketing wise).
It is not over until…
Well, you know. It is not over until it is over. And 2013 is far from being in the review mirror!
You just need to sit down, and decide to make a change. Find your goals, find just a little bit of time, and make a big difference.
Goals you make now have a much greater chance of coming true than anything you ever wrote down in January.
So on point my biggest problem is no time for myself. Balance is key to being your best rest, relax, exercise. I adjusted my 2013 goals the end of June ramping up and plan to accomplish them all.
Thanks again for the information. You guys are always on target. Recharging and reviewing is always a good suggestion. Let’s keep on keepin’ on!