Two weeks ago we released an article on Making 2016 Your Best Note Business Year Ever.
It spoke about a couple of barriers that stop you from succeeding. Nothing earth shattering, just problems that we all face in our day-to-day lives.
We spoke about carving out time (the hardest thing to commit to) and stopping the tendency to re-invent the wheel (just go where people have already been).
If you missed that article, you can go back and read it here.
This week, we want to share a VERY specific “To-Do” list with you.*
*We love to do lists. Matter of fact, if you look in our office right now, you will find five large-size Post-It Notes on the wall, filled with items to do. You can buy them at Office Max or Office Depot…great way to keep you goals in front of you (and impossible to ignore).
Here is what should be on your list if you have been “out of the loop” for awhile…
1. Go back and check out last week’s post, What You Wanted To Know About Note Buying Last Year. It will get you up to speed on the most read items in 2015…and will most likely be the hottest topics in 2016.
2. Most people reading this email are empowered by all the information in the Finding Cash Flow Notes Training. Have you watched all the videos? Have you downloaded all of the proven marketing materials? You can use those marketing materials as your own…just change the company name and go!
3. Take a look at your website. Note websites are great because they work for you 24/7 – and everyone is online nowadays! Is it time to freshen it up? Are you mobile friendly? Is all the information still correct? When was the last time you posted something new?
4. Get back up to speed on the Funders in the industry. Last week we released the 2016 Note Buyers Directory. It is free inside your member’s area of Finding Cash Flow Notes.
5. has over 300 articles on buying, selling, brokering, and investing in notes – all free. Solid material and information you can put to work today! Spend some time “surfing” the site and search for information you need. How to find notes? How to broker notes? How to invest your own money? How to use someone else’s money? All online 24/7!
6. Start looking around your area for deals. Keep an eye on the newspapers and housing markets. Do you see more houses selling? Chances are, depending on where you live; you are seeing the real estate market really bouncing back. That is great news because there are more and more notes being created every day (and the ones that already exist are getting more valuable). Open up the local want ad paper (you know, the kind that are given away at the grocery store). Do you see any ad for “We Buy Notes”? Maybe it is time to get in on the action!
7. Lastly, remember that we are always here. We answer your questions directly (not some “help desk”). So, if you ever have any questions, just shoot us an email!
2016 really can be your best [Note] year ever. But you need to create that “To-Do” list.
Whether you are looking to “get back in the game” or take your business to the next level…start with a To-Do list!
Till next week,
Fred and Tracy
P.S. By the way, if you are an online techy kind of person, check out Wunderlist (you can have it on your computer, iPhone, whatever). You can even add more than one person to a To-do list if you have a business partner working with your. Otherwise, a good old fashion piece of paper and a pen still work just fine!
I know how real estate notes work buy you need a lot of money. What are the notes that you buy for 50cents. I don’t exactly know what those notes are and how you sell them.
Hello Delores,
There are ways to participate in the note business either as a finder earning a referral fee or as an investor purchasing the notes. An investor buying the notes would need access to capital while a finder is focused on the marketing side. The discount on a note depends on a variety of factors including equity, seasoning, property type/value, payer credit history, terms of the note, and an investor’s ITV/yield requirements. Not all notes go for such a high discount. Here are some helpful links to articles for more details:
21 Tips for Getting Started Investing In Notes
How To Buy Mortgage Notes
Note Brokering
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