You Voted: Now see the results.
Wow! You guys had insatiable appetites for note buying knowledge last year. With over 325 free articles it’s interesting to look back at the most read content on
It’s how you voted with the most precious commodity – your time. So here’s a look at what you wanted to know based on…
The Top 10 Visited Pages at Note Investor in 2015
How To Buy Mortgage Notes
This topic won hands-down with more than double the readership of the runner-up. As REO inventory dwindles, real estate investors turn to notes for double-digit returns secured by an asset they know but without the headaches of the 3 T’s (tenants, toilets, and trash).
Note Broker Training
Nothing beats learning and earning at the same time and brokering notes continues to be the best on the job training for the note business.
Get Direct With Note Buyers Directory
Whether buying or selling notes you need a direct access to the source. Each year we release an updated directory that industry pros use as their Rolodex (remember those?).
How Can I Find Cash Flow Notes?
Marketing is the lifeblood of any business so it’s no surprise this topic is always in the top 5.
Buying and Selling Notes For Residual Income
Partials are the “new black.” For years we have been talking about the benefits of selling partials and keeping future payments as residual income. You obviously feel the same way!
Learn the Note Business in 60 Seconds
OK, you can’t really learn notes in just 60 seconds, but this round of 11 questions will certainly get you started. Think of it as speed dating for the note business
How Dodd Frank Mortgage Laws Apply to Seller Financing
While the Dodd Frank Law for seller financing and mortgage loan originators took effect in January 2014, investors are still trying to wrap their arms around it. While it’s not a match made in heaven it’s also not the end of the note buying world as we know it.
Why Balloon Payments Are Good for Owner Financed Mortgage Notes
Balloon payments are one of those things impacted by Dodd Frank so it was a natural follow-up to info on the law itself.
Billions of Non Performing Notes Selling in 2015
Banks are still unloading portfolios of defaulted notes and you naturally wanted to know where does the private investor or broker fit in?
Your Unique Questions
Curious by nature, note investors and brokers aren’t afraid to ask questions. That’s something we admire so we take time to personally answer all the questions and inquires that come through our contact page.
So What About Note Buying in 2016?
I don’t spend too much time looking back. It’s more effective to enjoy the now and plan for the future (things we can still do something about). But taking a look at the past helps us chart the path for the future.
Based on how you voted (with your precious time) you want serious details on investing in notes – everything from due diligence and documentation to yield calculations and enhancing ROI.
This is a trend that is near and dear to my heart. Note brokering is a great tool for learning the business and making immediate income but true long-term passive income is created as an investor.
So look for more articles on sharpening your note investing skills in 2016 and if there is something specific you want us to cover just leave a comment below or send me an email!
Interested in marketing and finding notes
Hello Carlton, A good place to start is this article: How Can I Find Cash Flow Notes? It links to several other articles and a video on the 5 main methods for marketing in the note business. If you decide to take the next step we also have an incredible training that includes all our marketing samples, mailing schedules, and swipe files at:
which links to several other articles and a free video on the