There is a new site connecting sellers and buyers that want to use owner financing. Note Investor caught up with Fernando Sanchez, founder, and asked him to share his vision. He explains how his site can help homeowners that want to offer seller financing and take back a real estate note.
Thanks for your interest in
If you own your real estate outright, or if you have seller financing that can be wrapped around, carrying the contract when you sell your house may be the smartest financial move you could make. Investing in a contract on your own property will give you a far higher rate of return than you could possibly get by investing in a bank CD – and it’s far safer than investing in the stock market.
And, since you control the terms of the agreement, you can specify a payoff in 3, 5, 7, or 10 years – in case you believe you’ll want a lump sum of cash at that time.
Buyers want and need seller financing, but first they have to find you…
Studies show that more than 80% of all buyers begin their search on the Internet, but finding listings offering seller financing is like finding needles in a haystack. To make matters more difficult, when buyers approach real estate agents for help, many simply won’t take the time to do the research for them.
That’s a shame, because the number of buyers seeking owner financing is growing.
These buyers fall into two categories – consumers who have been rejected by banks because they don’t fit the new mold, and those who are simply fed up with high bank fees and questionable banking practices, so don’t want to deal with them.
They’re having a tough time locating homes and land available with owner financing…
And that’s why was created.
We know seller financing is a good thing, because we’ve used it both as buyers and as sellers. And we want others to have the same advantage. Our sole purpose is to connect buyers who want owner financing with sellers who want to offer it.
Save money while you find buyers…
Listing your house or property for sale on is inexpensive. Depending upon where you live, a few lines for a few days in the newspaper can cost anywhere from $40 to $100.
In contrast, your ad on – complete with up to 7 photographs, descriptions, and the terms you offer, will stay on our site for one full year for only $49.95. In addition, as a member you can list up to 9 more properties at no additional charge.
That’s only 14 cents per day for full, detailed exposure in the place where the majority of buyers are looking – compared to about $10 per day for a few words in a newspaper ad – where few buyers look these days.
But wait, to introduce our service to you, the first 100 property owners or sellers that respond to this invitation will get their first year’s subscription absolutely FREE, which is a savings of $49.95.
While we are already generating good traffic, we’re also working hard to set up network relationships and posting property listings on Google, Yahoo, and other sites. Our intent is to make the first place buyers look when they search for a home or property with seller financing.
In addition to your property listing, your membership gives you the option of searching for buyer members and communicating with them to promote your listing.
When you join us today, your property will be featured on our home page. So why not get started now? Just click here to register
Yours for successful selling,
Fernando Sanchez, Owner
P.S. Even if your home or land is listed with an agent, you’re welcome to join. Just be sure to follow any applicable State regulations about disclosing your agent’s name and agency affiliation.
This is a great idea that can really help connect people that want to buy or sell without banks. Of course the success relies on active participants, which is the motivation for offering free membership to the first 100 sellers to list properties. We wish Fernando and his team much success with this much needed service!
don estill says
iam looking fore non performing note buyers can you help me i get a lot of non performing loans but don’t have no buyers where can i get them at
David says
I might bite if this guy offered listings for free. The site is VERY low in the traffic ratings. I know of at least 20 good real estate sites where you can list free that have traffic in the top 20,000 traffic rankings. This site is down in the 2 millions. He could offer for free until it builds. Basic SEO can get even a brand new site much higher in the traffic rankings than this one is. No one will see your lsiting here, so why pay for it? Sorry, but that’s basic business. The average buyer will not go looking for it because they won’t know it exists. They’ll use the search engines instead. Good idea though.
TracyZ says
Hello David! I had similar thoughts when I heard about the site. What a great idea, but it all depends on traffic and participation. We know from building our own online presence that it takes time to implement and see results with SEO. They appear to be offering free listings for sellers to jump start their efforts.
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