We’d like to invite you to join us at the…
Noteworthy Summit on April 18-20, 2013 in Dallas, TX
Here’s a quick recap of the upcoming event:
One, we are going to be personally presenting at this mid-year summit for Note Brokers, Buyers, and Investors.
Two, this event is sure to be a big success, so if you are anywhere in the area, you are going to want to attend. If you are not in the area, you now have a reason to be there!
Three, be one of the first and save $100.
We just found out that the first 100 people who sign up using this link will save $100 on the entry ticket. Just use code ‘DISCOUNT100’
Frankly, this is going to be a great event, and you can walk away with some solid content to help your business.
See you in Dallas!
All the best,
Fred and Tracy
P.S. We have been assured, this is not some “pitch fest”. We are committed to bringing you solid content and here is a sneak peek of the topics we’ll personally be covering:
7 Steps for Marketing Your Note Business Online – Fred Rewey
Description: Want to market your note business online but don’t know where to start? Looking to increase your online presence? Wondering how to set up your note business to maximize your note-finding efforts?
What if you could learn directly from someone that has been buying notes online for over 15 years!
Discover how NoteInvestor.com reached the #1 position in online search (out of 110 million results) directly from one of its creators, Fred Rewey.
In this candid session, Fred shares with you how to create your own winning step-by-step plan to finding notes on the Internet (or better yet, have notes FIND YOU). What simple strategies get results and what to avoid at all costs!
Anyone interested in finding notes in 2013 and beyond is going to want to see this session!
Looking For Notes In All The Right Places! – Tracy Z Rewey
Description: Let’s face it, every so-called note expert has some fool-proof system for finding notes. But in reality only a small handful of players have nearly 20 years in the business and proven methods that yield results in today’s competitive market.
Tracy Z will be unveiling the myths and facts behind some of the most talked about note marketing methods including direct mail, ads, online marketing, social media, and networking. Knowing this information can be the difference between success or failure.
Tracy will also share how she saved over $5,000 a month in marketing expenses using some of the very strategies she will show you in this session.
This is a solid no holds barred learning session – so bring a blank notebook and an extra pen.
To Register For the NoteWorthy Summit Go Here now —-> Quick Link
Remember, use code ‘DISCOUNT100’ to save $100
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