Notes aren’t just for real estate! Join us for an in-depth interview on brokering business notes. Nominated as the Best Business Note Buyer of 2020, we interviewed Marc Rouda, EVP with Security Financial Services. Their family-owned business has been investing in business notes for 30 years and they have some amazing insights to share. What Types of Business … [Read more...] about Brokering Business Notes Interview
Note Buying Blog and Articles
2020 Seller Finance Stats – Coming Out of COVID
The number of notes created through owner financing in 2020 reached $23.57 Billion. 2020 Real Estate Note Industry by the Numbers The dollar volume of new seller financed notes was $23.57 Billion which was a small 1.78% decrease from the $23.9 Billion created in 2019.There were 84,007 seller financed 1st position notes in 2020 compared to 86,155 in 2019.The … [Read more...] about 2020 Seller Finance Stats – Coming Out of COVID
40 Years Of Note Buying With FNAC
First National Acceptance, or just FNAC for short, is one of the leading companies buying mortgage notes created through seller financing. Backed by 40+ years of note buying experience and a low cost of funds, they have a wholesale division dedicated to working with note brokers. We sat down with Dan Malcolm, Broker Desk Manager, in this video interview to congratulate FNAC … [Read more...] about 40 Years Of Note Buying With FNAC
2020 Changed Your Self-Directed Retirement Outlook – But Which Way?
No question that 2020 cut down on in-person networking at industry conventions. But, it did also create an unprecedented amount of information people could access remotely. Listen around the virtual investor campfire long enough with successful investors and average people well positioned to retire comfortably, and you will find "self-directed" retirement is a common … [Read more...] about 2020 Changed Your Self-Directed Retirement Outlook – But Which Way?
Automating Lead Flow In The Note Industry
Permission Marketing is the most understood and underutilized marketing method on the planet. There is probably not a thriving business on this planet that does not need some sort of 'lead pipeline' to ensure future deals - and the note industry is no exception. At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter how great you are at crunching numbers, presenting winning … [Read more...] about Automating Lead Flow In The Note Industry
10 Tips For Buying Notes In Self Directed IRAs
Thinking of using real estate notes in your retirement account? This interview covers 10 tips for buying notes in a Self-Directed IRA with Note Investor Tracy Z Rewey and Quest Trust Company IRA Specialist Haley Gant. Watch the video, read the transcript, or use the outline for a quick overview. At A Glance: 10 Tips For Buying Notes In IRAs Know Your Note Type Have … [Read more...] about 10 Tips For Buying Notes In Self Directed IRAs
Owner Financing By The Numbers 2019
The number of notes created through owner financing in 2019 reached $23.9 Billion. 2019 Owner Financing Numbers At A Glance There were 86,155 seller financed 1st position notes in 2019 compared to 91,605 in 2018, a 5.95% decrease.The dollar volume of $23.9 Billion was a 7.41% decrease from the $24.9 Billion in 2018.Almost 70% of the notes were created in just ten … [Read more...] about Owner Financing By The Numbers 2019
It’s A Trap! Answering This Note Seller Question
It starts with a very direct question from your note seller. "Can I get full value for my note?" Right out of the gate, you have seemingly been boxed into a corner. It is a yes or no question, but in reality, very few note sellers will receive par pricing for their note. But they didn't ask for 100 cents on the dollar, did they? They asked if they could get 'full … [Read more...] about It’s A Trap! Answering This Note Seller Question
How Will Coronavirus Impact Note Investing? (Video Replay)
Wondering what impact the Coronavirus (COVID19) could have on your real estate note investing? On Tuesday we held a live webinar to discuss the State of The Note Industry during these uncertain times. This originally aired to help our Note Investing Tools Members survive and thrive in the upcoming months. The response was fantastic and we wanted to share the replay here on our … [Read more...] about How Will Coronavirus Impact Note Investing? (Video Replay)
Wize Women Investors Announces 2020 Online Expo
Want to gain knowledge and invest with confidence? Join us for the first annual Wize Women Investors Online Expo! From real estate and note investing, retirement planning to breaking your barriers, and mobile homes to stock options, this two-day event has you covered. Want to know the best part? You can attend the event FREE online September 18 & 19, 2020. Just … [Read more...] about Wize Women Investors Announces 2020 Online Expo